Accessibility Options

Disability Busters is designed with accessibility in mind. In each of the following sections you can find more information on how to use the site and some of the accessibility options available.

If you think there is anything extra we could be doing for accessibility, please let us know by visiting the contact page here and sending us your thoughts.

There are a lot of videos on Disability Busters so it might be difficult to find what you are looking for.

The main point of access to watch videos is through our Video Catalogue.

From there, you’ll be presented with a list of video seasons. To be taken to particular season, simply click on title or cover image.

You’ll then be taken to homepage for that particular season. You’ll then be presented with either a single button to watch the video (in the case of a single video title) or a list of seasons (in the case of a season).For seasons, you can select the season from the list drop-down to be shown a list of epsiodes in that season. You can then click on the “Watch this video” button to be taken to the video page where you can watch the video.

Note if you are not logged in to your Disability Busters account, or your account is overdue, or your account has no plan associated with it, you won’t be able to watch videos.

Our site was designed with accessible standards in mind so that your native tools for zooming and setting a larger text size should work well with our content. On most browsers using Windows, this means pressing Ctrl and ‘+’ (plus) to zoom in, or Ctrl and ‘-’ (minus) to zoom out. For Macs it means pressing command and ‘+’ (plus) to zoom in, or command and ‘-’ (minus) to zoom out.

Since we’ve employed a responsive design that changes when you are on different devices such as tablets and mobiles, you’ll also see these alternate design when you zoom in on a page. The main difference in these designs is that the menu is hidden behind a menu button that looks like this:

menu button example

We have avoided low contrast colours for buttons and typography in our design so there should not be any requirement for an additional high contrast layer. If this hasn’t been the case for you, please let us know by emailing [email protected]

If you require additional information on how to make your whole browser experience more accessible, the BBC have put together a comprehensive guide for visual accessibility that covers all browsers.

Most of our back catalogue of content has been made without audio description for people with visual impairment. It is our intention that new content produced by Disability Busters will offer audio description along with captions for hearing impaired viewers. Programs that do feature audio description will be noted in the synopsis.

We provide captions on all our video content for the hearing impaired.

At present, all videos play with subtitles by default. In future we will be adding subtitles as an option. If you spot a mistake, or we’ve missed adding some subtitles, please let us know by emailing [email protected]

To help those individuals who have dyslexia, we include an alternate type set that makes our pages easier to read. You can read a sample of the text below:

OpenDyslexic is created to help with some of the symptoms of dyslexia.

Letters have heavy weighted bottoms to indicate direction. You are able to quickly figure out which part of the letter is down which aids in recognising the correct letter, and sometimes helps to keep your brain from rotating them around. Consistently weighted bottoms can also help reinforce the line of text. The unique shapes of each letter can help prevent confusion through flipping and swapping.

OpenDyslexic is an open source typeface that is free for use. You can find and download the type on the OpenDyslexic Website.

If you think the use of this typeface will make the site easier for you to read, click the link below, you can click it again to change the font back.

Developed by First Reef Studio – © 2025